Institutional news
There are many institutional organizations authors are confronted with. There are eight national centers attached to the Ministry of Culture, such as the Centre national de la musique (CNM), the Centre national du livre (CNL), the Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC) and the Centre national des arts plastiques (CNAP). These national centers play a role in regulating the various sectors in which authors work, in conjunction with various general directorates attached to the Ministry of Culture, such as the General Directorate of Media and Cultural Industries (DGMIC) and the General Directorate of Artistic Creation (DGCA). The cultural sector interests many MPs who can sometimes intervene through different commissions, both in the National Assembly and in the Senate, more or less directly related to cultural issues. There are also many collective management organizations (CMO) such as SACEM, SACD, SOFIA, ADAGP, etc., which share the task of collecting and distributing the rights of authors for which the legislator requires mandatory collective management. Finally, the social protection system for authors is an institutional patchwork. Their pension involves 4 distinct schemes, between the CNAV, the RAAP, the RACD and the RACL. Their affiliation to the social security system is totally dysfunctional and a source of regular discontent. Their continuing education also requires understanding a complicated articulation between numerous professional commissions and a management board integrated into a skills operator grouping together many other professions than authors. This section does not pretend to give all the keys to find one's way in this mic mac, but news and insights on these different institutions, according to their news.